I would just like to share the newest source of joy in my life, namely, the Red Swingline 747 stapler that I got for my birthday. (Thanks, mom!) It's sitting on my desk right now, looking sleek but substantial, like a 1950s toaster or car. In person it's an even more lovely cranberry red than in the picture. It staples like a dream. And what's more, every time I look at it I think of
Office Space, (Tagline: "Work sucks,") the brilliant and timless cinematic portrayal of a mind-numbing workplace and a few brave souls' attempts to escape it. I don't want to ruin the movie for anybody who hasn't seen it, but I think I can safely say that the stapler plays an important role as the trigger for a dramatic, subversive act. It brings a little smile to my face to know I've got a teeny piece of revolution sitting right on my desk. :)
A bit phallic, no?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Just be careful not to get too "into" your Swingline. I had a run-in with my office's resident demented-Swingline-owner the other day. There's something about those staplers.
Her mom does think of everything, especially with the help of wish lists.
Love, Her Mom
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