Hehe. It's not the Older Woman With Younger Man Thing (she's 59, he's 40)--I'm cool with that. (Did you know my dude is younger? By 4 months. Sometimes it's not easy, but we work on it.)
It's just that Diane and Keanu are both such enormously weird people that the combination of the two of them seems destined to create a kind of nuclear reaction of weirdness, and as with all instances where mankind's curiosity gets ahead of its knowledge, who knows what the results could be?

Keanu is possibly Even Weirder, although in a somewhat more subtle way, namely: He has not changed his facial expression in 15 years. I can't even come up with any possible explanations for this.
Anyway, perhaps they know better than we do the ways in which their unique quirks will work together to create beautiful weird harmonies. All the best, Dianu! (That does sound pretty good . . . )
diane keaton keanu reeves
Speaking of OCD, did you know that Howie Mandell (of rubber-glove-on-head-fame) REFUSES to shake hands with people because he's afraid of germs? And when he was on Celebrity Poker Showdown, he wore gloves so he wouldnt have to touch the cards?
I thought Mark Summers, of Double Dare fame, was the most famous germaphobe. I was apparently very wrong.
Donald Trump won't shake hands either. But that's not why I am chiming in. Isn't this story the exact plot of that movie they were in with Jack Nicholson? Something's Gotta Give?
For some reason, I didn't see that movie, but yeah, I take it they were an item in the movie, and maybe that's when they got together. I guess I agree with Diane's decision to go with Keanu over Jack Nicholson (in real life, at least--what happened in the movie?), although it's a close call.
Speaking of Dianu, did you know that is the name of a traditional Hebrew song that is sung during Passover? Now you do... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dayenu
Even more amazing... apparently Dayenu means, essentially, "It would have been enough", which seems particularly appropriate when discussing the fact that Diane and Keanu were not only in a movie together, but now they are dating... I mean, dayenu already!
In the movie, she ends up with Keanu and then she ends up with Jack. So we'll see where this goes.
Very intersting about the song, tsvidogg--I still need to study up on your peoples' ways, clearly.
Diane Lane is certainly v. hot, jake, but as far as I know she is still married to Josh Brolin (son of James Brolin and thus son-in-law of Barbra Steisand), who is slightly but not younger than her, like 3 years, I think.
I thought he was gay?!?
LMAO...that was hilarious...awesome content youve got going on....
That is amazing....Dianu...lol.
I like Keanu, not wild about Diane though.
Yeah, they're both a little strange, but all Hollywood stars are, really.
Why the heck DOES she wear that type clothing? I mean' c'mon , Annie Hall is out of date.
Keanu is part Hawiian. Maybe that has to do with the staunch emotion thing, I don't know. There ARE pics of him when he smiles though.
And he ain't gay, Tom Cruise is!!
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