I'm no NRA booster, but when I first saw the Defamer headline "Is It OK To Shoot The Paparazzi?" next to this image of Britney Spears, I had a nice internal giggle at the mental image of an uber-pregnant Mrs. Federline hauling off and shooting a photographer with a BB gun. It would be a nice shout-out to the scene in Sugar and Spice where the armed cheerleaders dressed as pregnant Betty dolls rob a bank, combined with an interesting echo of last fall's (unarmed) paparazzi-smackdown by Britney's ex, Justin Timberlake, and his new squeeze Cameron Diaz.
But my intrepid celebrity-incident-parallel-drawing skills are of no use here, because it was apparently some property manager, not Britney or her bodyguards, who shot the paparazzi. Alas, a girl can dream . . .
celebrities gossip britney spears paparazzi
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