I'm trying to pick a throw pillow for my couch. Which one do you like? Imagine it on a velvet-ish reddish couch (technically "paprika"-colored) in a room with various blue colors, some orange, some yellow, and a bunch of other colors. As the artist formerly known as P. Diddy would (inaccurately and probably inappropriately) say, Vote or Die!
I like Air Traffic Control. Where are they from?
I like Air Traffic Control and parasols
They're from a couple of different websites: velocityartanddesign.com, Pillowsandthrows.com, and 2modern.com. Also, some of them seem to be available in knock-off form for cheaper on Ebay. Can you tell I've been agonizing over this for an unreasonable amount of time?
air traffic for sure....i want it myself now.
I like the Parasols, but then I tend to prefer off-white and "earth" colors most everwhere...
Just like the transplanted Mid-Westerner I have become.
The Off-White (not Off-Color) Man
I tend to go for the parasols, as you might expect from a bland midwesterner and a person of a certain age. However, I find the air traffic control one fascinating, so I guess you can never tell.
I think you should pick air traffic control, and then redesign your whole living room in the mdoe of a 1960's-chic airport terminal. Like modular plastic chairs, all in a row, nailed to the floor, in place of the couch. And instead of a kitchen, y'all should put in an old-school dine-o-rama machine. Oh, and lockers, too.
I'm going to be odd person out and say Quatrefoil.
I too am drawn to air traffic control. It's hot. However, I fear that it's hot like military-themed porn is hot: undeniable in its hotness, but ever so guilt-inducing. *sigh*
I like Air Traffic Control, but it's a little too 9-11y. How about the pop dots one?
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