The New Orleans situation is so awful that I actually watched the news last night instead of MTV. An observation: the BBC is the only news channel that discussed whether the hurricane rescue effort was racist in a rational way.
BBC reporter: There are accusations that the response to Hurricane Katrina was racist, because the huge majority of the victims were poor and black, and they were left without food or water or medical assistance for many days, and many died as a result.With:
American reporter: Kanye "Straw Man" West made an accusation that President Bush doesn't care about black people. Generic Pundit, do you agree, or do you think it's divisive and inappropriate to play the race card at this time of crisis?
Generic Pundit: Thanks, Bob. At this time of crisis, it's divisive and inappropriate to play the race card. Plus, President Bush likes Condi Rice and Colin Powell, so it's just not true that he doesn't care about black people.
I hear England is beautiful this time of year.
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These spam-comments really perfect the art of the non-sequitor. Also, sometimes I wet my bed.
OK, tsvidogg, as per your request I will not delete the comment spam because it provides a good, illustrative lead-in to your comment. However, union lawyer gave me a tip on how to prevent the spam in the future, so f**k off, spammers! This is your last time with T&A Lady!
Sorry about the "word verification," peeps, but apparently that's the way to avoid the spam comments.
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