My friends and I created a masterpiece for the Washington Post's Peep Diorama contest. It's called the Peeple Tunnel of Doom, after the peeps (ha!) who never got to the inauguration because they were stuck in line in the I-395 tunnel under the Capitol. We made the tunnel with the crazy-eyed peeps wearing hand-crotched scarves and hats, and holding peeple tickets; the trampled peep on the left side; the ceiling lights that actually light up; the exit signs (I made those!); and the peep on a ladder putting up a PEEP poster. Then we went crazy and also made an inauguration scene on the top of the shoebox, complete with a packed Silver Ticket area, a nearly-empty Peeple Ticket area, a Peepbotron with images of Obama and Roberts (and closed-captioning of the flubbed oath), and a picture of the Capitol which is one of the ones they sent to the (human) purple ticketholders to apologize for the whole tunnel of doom thing. The above-ground scene is not meant to be an accurate rendering, but rather the inauguration as the peeps in the tunnel imagined it, in their desperate fever-dream state.
Do you think there's an untapped market for disgruntled lawyers who make DRASTICALLY AWESOME peep dioramas?

Wow, I love it. We did Joaquin Phoenix.
I hope you guys win!
I like the squished Peep on the left. Awesome.
You know, I am thinking about forming a Disgruntled Lawyer Support Group. Perhaps a sanctioned therapy activity could be Peep Dioramas?
This is hilarious. I'll vote for you.
Thanks, dudes! We totally appreciate your votes (except Anthea, presumably you will vote for your Joaquin diorama, which I am sure is also awesome).
I like the idea of a disgruntled lawyer support group, except I would worry it would have to include most of DC, and that would probably be too many people to fit in anybody's living room.
Ok- this is a great idea. I love it. I did the Miss Ameripeep competition. Best of luck!
I just scrolled through all 40 of the pics on the WaPo peep slideshow, and you weren't there. You were robbed.
--Prof. AAPB
Sorry to see you didn't get picked as a finalist. I kept saying to my family, "The one on this blog I read was way better!"
ok, while this is a cute idea, and took a lot of work, I bet, these photographs are poor. The lighting is bad, and I can't see enough details, especially inside the tunnel.
Good job! You threw a bunch of Peeps in a box and took a picture. My five year old son could have done that.
Hey I like your peeps diorama too. I am one of the creators of the Purple Tunnel of Peeps diorama, but I like the way you made this one on two levels with the mall on top of the box with the tunnel underneath.
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