I am watching a CLE (continuing legal education) webinar about the legal ethical implications of the interwebs. I'm sure if I watch more of it I will learn that I should not be blogging about the CLE class. But OMG, the person talking just said all of the following:
1. "I actually went on a Twitter page once."
2. "I don't know if those of you who are watching this on the web..i...sode can see this" (while holding up a newspaper).
3. "LinkedIn is for professional networking."
4. "Twitter is limited to 140 characters or less."
4. "Twitter is limited to 140 characters or less."
5. "Blogs now allow comments."
I feel super tech-savvy.
By golly, you are! I'm just psyched to discover blogs allow comments. Woo hoo!
Really? It does? Or is it, they do? I'll get lost in the grammar, and then where will I be?
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