Tuesday, June 05, 2007

From the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue's Lips to God's Ears

Realizing that here it is June and I have not yet received my "state"* tax refund from the D.C. Tax Man, I called said Man's Customer Service Number to ask where it is.  The Man's helpful Customer Service Agent told me I should get it in 5-7 days, and I asked why it had taken so long. 

He said:  "It looks like the computer just went crazy, ma'am." 

I love me some D.C. Tax Man. 

*The whole crappy "All The Taxes, None of the Congressional Representation" thing continues apace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DC office of tax and revenue (OTR) has serious issues - still unresolved. They owe me (and I am sure others) refunds. There does not seem to be a sense of urgency, nor a willingness to resolve issues. As a small business owner, doing business with the city, hurts my bottom line.