Monday, January 30, 2006

Burrito-related chin injury

I ate a burrito for lunch, and the aluminum foil it was wrapped in scraped against my chin, causing some redness and irritation. The problem was that I felt if I unwrapped the foil more, the burrito might fall apart. Have you any suggestions for this conundrum, dear readers?


Anonymous said...

Fork and knife for the burrito.

And some salve for the chin.

Anonymous said...

Hold the burrito more vertical and eat from the top down, instead of horizontal like a sammy.

TA said...

Wow, that link was extremely helpful, anonymous. I think it showed me my problem: instead of ripping the foil cleanly off the burrito, I was crumpling it down, creating a huge buildup of foil that protuded from the plane of the burrito and hit my chin.

Andrea said...

Chin guards. But then, that's my answer to everything.

Anonymous said...

I can't say that's ever happened to me before, and I love me some a them burritos.

I'd agree with the tearing off the foil as you eat, and probably going more vertical strategies, both respectively, and as a coordinated effort to reduce burrito spaz attacks. Also, not jamming the thing all hell-bent for burrito and willy-nilly into your face helps, I would think.

Anonymous said...

Was this a Chipolte Burrito, or a 15th + K street Burrio Guy burrito?